How To Conduct Puja To Ramachandra
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How To Conduct Puja
Rama was born to Kausalya, the first queen of King Dasharatha. Scholars have established the date of birth of Rama to be 4439 B.C., Chaitra, Shukla, Navami. The other three sons of Dasharatha are Lakshmana and Shatrugna born to queen Sumitra, and Bharata born to queen Keikeyi.

Hindus celebrate Sreeramanavami for nine days in April each year during which it is customary, especially in the South, to read the Valmiki version in Sanskrit. On the ninth day (Navami thithi), the details of the pattaabhishekham (coronation) are sung and the entire festivity reaches a climax.

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