How To Conduct Puja To Ramachandra
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How To Conduct Puja
Harikathaas (religious story-telling) are arranged in which skillful storytellers relate in the local language the nearly infinite sub-stories – the upakathaas that bring us back and forth to the main story – the Ramayana. An unusual mixture of emotions arise as one listens to these spell-binding events in the life of Rama.

Sadness, anger, sympathy, empathy, bewilderment, compassion, pleasure and pain are all felt as one views in one’s mind Rama, Sita, Bharata, Lakshmana, Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Jatayu the bird, Mareecha as a deer, Vaali, Sugreeva, Vibheeshana, Keikeyi, Manthara, Hanuman and a thousand other personalities exploding as it were from a capsule.

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