36. They created
seven other Manus possessing great brilliancy, gods and classes of
gods and great sages of measureless power,
37. Yakshas (the servants of
Kubera, the demons called) Rakshasas and Pisakas, Gandharvas (or musicians of
the gods), Apsarases (the dancers of the gods), Asuras, (the snake-deities
called) Nagas and Sarpas, (the bird-deities called) Suparnas and the several
classes of the manes,
38. Lightning's, thunderbolts and
clouds, imperfect (rohita) and perfect rainbows, falling meteors, supernatural
noises, comets, and heavenly lights of many kinds,
39 (Horse-faced)
Kinnaras, monkeys, fishes, birds of many kinds, cattle, deer, men, and
carnivorous beasts with two rows of teeth,
40. Small and large
worms and beetles, moths, lice, flies, bugs, all stinging and biting
insects and the several kinds of immovable things.