A Brahmana, having carried out a dead
Brahmana who is not a Sapinda, as (if he were) a (near) relative, or a near
relative of his mother, becomes pure after three days;
But if he eats the
food of the (Sapindas of the deceased), he is purified in ten days, (but) in one
day, if he does not eat their food nor dwells in their house.
voluntarily followed a corpse, whether (that of) a paternal kinsman or (of) a
stranger, he becomes pure by bathing, dressed in his clothes, by touching fire and eating clarfied butter.
Let him not allow a dead Brahmana to be carried
out by a Sudra, while men of the same caste are at hand; for that burnt-firing
which is filled by a Sutra's touch is detrimental to (the deceased's passage
to) heaven.
The knowledge (of Brahman) austerities, fire, (holy) food, earth,
(restraint of) the internal organ, water, smearing (with cow dung), the wind,
sacred rites, the sun, and time are the purifiers of corporeal (beings).
Among all modes of purification, purity in (the acquisition of) wealth is
declared to be the best; for he is pure who gains wealth with clean hands, not
he who purifies himself with earth and water.
The learned are purified by a
forgiving disposition, those who have committed forbidden actions by
liberality, secret sinners by muttering (sacred texts), and those who best know
the Veda by austerities.
By earth and water is purified what ought to be
made pure, a river by its current, a woman whose thoughts have been impure by
the menstrual secretion, a Brahmana by abandoning the world (Samnyasa).
The body is cleansed by water, the internal organ is purified by truthfulness,
the individual soul by sacred learning and austerities, the intellect by (true)
Thus the precise rules for the purfication of the body
have been declared to you; hear now the decision (of the law) regarding the
purfication of the various (inanimate) things.