Let him avoid all carnivorous birds and those living in villages, and one-hoofed animals which are not
specially permitted (to be eaten), and the Tittibha (Parra Jacana),
The sparrow, the Plava, the Hamsa, the Brahmani duck, the village-cock, the Sarasa
crane, the Raggudala, the woodpecker, the parrot, and the starling,
Those which feed striking with their beaks, web-footed birds, the Koyashti, those
which scratch with their toes, those which dive and live on fish, meat from a
Slaughterhouse and dried meat,
The Baka and the Balaka crane, the raven, the Khangaritaka, (animals) that eat fish, village-pigs, and all kinds of fishes.
He who eats the flesh of any (animal) is called the eater of the flesh of that
(Particular creature), he who eats fish is an eater of every (kind of) 3esh;
let him therefore avoid fish.
(But the fish called) Pathina and (that called) Rohita may be eaten, if used
for fairings to the gods or to the manes; (one may eat) likewise Ragivas,
Simhatundas, and Sasalkas on all (occasions).
Let him not eat solitary or un-known beasts and birds, though they may fall under (the categories of)
eatable (creatures), nor any five-toed (animals).
The porcupine, the hedgehog, the iguana, the rhinoceros, the tortoise, and the hare they declare to
be eatable; likewise those (domestic animals) that have teeth in one jaw only,
excepting camels.
A twice- born man who knowingly eats mushrooms, a
village-pig, garlic, a village-cock, onions, or leeks, will become an outcast.
He who unwittingly partakes of (any of) these six, shall perform a Samtapana
(Krikkhra) or the lunar penance (Kandrayana) of ascetics; in case (he who has
eaten) any other (kind of forbidden food) he shall fast for one day (and a night).