Being disgusted
with himself he left his native place for Benaras to end his life in the sacred waters of
Ganga. There he met a learned sage who advised him
to go to Arasavalli and spend his days in religious conduct for forty days.
He came to Arasavalli and bathed in the holy waters of the tank
and did one hundred and eight pradakshinams every day.
He continued this austerity for thirty days, when most of his
sores were healed. At the end of the forty days of rigorous life, he became completely
He went back to his own village and also got married and has
children now.
He regularly visits the temple with his family once a year in
the Visakha month and offers thanks to the Lord who has cured his disease.
The Lord is known as Kalivarada, a granter of the boons in the
Kaliyuga |