numerous Rama Bhaktas like Kabir, Ramadas, Thyagaraja, Ramagopanna and Purandharadasa,
etc. were so much over - whelmed by the intensity of their devotion to the Lord, that they
lost themselves in rapture and have given expression to their mystic joy in uncomparable
verse and music. Bhadrachalam is a very sacred
place, with its temple dedicated to Lord Rama. The Vigrahas of Rama, Lakshmana and Seeta
in the Sri Rama temple there are beautiful pieces of sculpture and are captivating by the
sheer beauty and excellence of the workmanship.
Sri Rama is represented as a charming person, of handsome
beauty, andwell-built physique, wearing in his two hands, the Dhanus and the Bana, and
standing in the 'Tribhanga' attitude as opposed to the 'Samabhanga' pose.
Sita stands near him, also in the Tribhanga attitude, with a
lotus in one hand and the other hand shown in the 'Katyavalambita' posture. If there is
any temple in which the devotees are captivated by the sheer magic of the beauty of the
icon of the Lord, it is at Bhadrachalam. |