Temples & Legends Of Andhra
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LEPAKSHI is a small
village, which lies nine miles east of Hindupur in Anantapur District of Andhra. Hindupur
is a railway station on the main metre-gauge line between Hyderabad and Bangalore, and
from Hindupur there is a good metalled road to Lepakshi on which several good bus
connections exist. There is a dak bungalow at Hindupur, - as well as at Lepakshi, where
pilgrims can conveniently stay. Lepakshi is famous for its temple of Veerabhadra, and is
also a renowned place where the best specimens of the mural paintings of the Vijayanagar
kings are available. This temple is a notable
example of the Vijayanagar style of architecture, and is built on a low rocky hill, which
is called Kurmasaila so called because the bill is like a tortoise, in shape. An
inscription on the exit of the outer wall of the temple records that one Virupanna
constructed it in the 16th century.
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