Temples & Legends Of Andhra
Pradesh |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
The King felt the
justice of the demand, and ordered that, just as the chariot of his own son ran over the
calf and killed it, similarly his own son should be laid at the foot of the same ratha,
which should be driven by the cow, and his own son should be sacrificed just as the calf
was sacrificed. This adherence to the principles of justice even at the cost of the life
of his own son pleased the Lord Siva who appeared before the King and gave back the life
to his son and to the calf. The story has been painted here in a series of panels with
great vividness. The Ardhamantapa is particularly
famous for its paintings of the different manifestations of Lord Siva. Here Siva is
depicted in various ways as Natana murthy, as Andhakasura dhwamsa trampling over the demon
Andhakasura, as Dakshinamurthy with a Kankana, Keyurahara and Kiratapatta etc. etc. The
Chandikesanugrahamurthy depicts Lord Siva with a long Kapalamala and having a tiger skin
wrapped round him. The Bhikshatana showing the Lord in the Darukavana is another piece
done with exquisite skill. |
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