Temples & Legends Of Andhra
Pradesh |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
The image of the
Lord is generally made of stone, and the sculptor has to execute it with complete fidelity
to the rules laid down in the Silpa Sastras. The Sastras declare that before bringing out
the image of the Lord, the sculptor should meditate upon the Lord, and that his success
will be in proportion to the strength of hismeditation. There are various contemplating
verses called Dhyana Slokas, to help him in the process. Deities have to be
carved out in the Samabhanga or the Tribhanga posture. In addition
to the main images, the walls of the temples are decorated with exquisite sculptures
depicting the puranic stories. In ancient times,
the temples were the busiest part of the village, and the life of the community was
centered upon the routine of the temple. The festivals during the twelve months of the
year were all conducted in the temples. All that was best in the life was offered to the
deity as a sacrament, and did the others enjoy only then. |
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