Temples & Legends of Assam
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The Asvakranta temple contains the image of Anantasayin Visnu, a reclining statue of wonderful workmanship. As laid down in the texts, a tortoise, a frog, and a piece of waterweed is shown supporting Ananta upon which Visnu is seen reclining. Of his four arms, the lower left is thrown on the body of the serpent, while the lower right is stretched along the right thigh.

The four - faced Brahma is depicted as sitting on the lotus which has sprung out from the navel of Visnu. Devi or Maha maya and the two demons, Madhu and Kaitabha, are standing on the one corner. Two rows of Naga kanyas, one on the space between the coil of the serpent, are seen kneeling down on his feet with folded hands. The scene is surrounded by an arch type prabhamandala, and the entire carvings appear to be sculptures of high artistic excellence.

Asvakranta is considered to be the greatest tirtha. According to the Yogini Tantra, this is a place for gift, recitation of mantras, homa, Pinda, meditation and study. Sin as great as a mountain is worn off by a visit to Asvakranta. At the touch of a speck of dust of this place, it is believed, the most hardened sinner is able to attain salvation. The salvation that the residents of Asvakranta attain is not to be attained even by residence at Ganga and Pushkarana. Even a slayer of a Brahmana, is absolved of his sin if he practises yoga there; what is gained with great gifts in other tirthas is gained here at Asvakranta with a mere day’s fast.

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