The main buildings
of a Satra consist of Karapat, Namghar or
Kirtanghar,or Manikut Hati and the Satradhikar
or Mahanta's residence. Each Satra has usually four
Karapat, gateways, and in the midst stands the Namghar
or Kirtanghar, the main prayer hall. Adjoining it, is
the Manikut, a small building in which is placed the singhasana (a wooden throne which stands on four carved
lions) or thapana, altar, which contains the main object of worship, usually a copy
of the Bhaavata - Purana in manuscript. In passage
of time, some Satras began to lose the rigor of
their injunctions against idolatry and as a consequence - some Satras, particularly the Satras
established by the Brahmana leaders, came even to place an image of Krishna. It
appears, however, that the image is kept more with an eye towards decoration and to
attract converts than as a necessaryparaphernalia of the religious worship. Around the
thapana are many sacred objects; earthen lamps and incense are also burnt before it. The Hatis are group of huts placed on the four quarters of
the compound where the monks live in their own cell. |