The other
Dasnami Mahants of Bengal, of whom the most influential was the Mahant of Tarakeswar in
the Hooghly district, elected the next Mahant, Trilokh Chandra Gir, in 1905. The
Mahantship has continued in the line of the Gir Gosains. The temple consists of a two-storied building, in which the absence of arches is
noticeable. Both Hindu and Lamaistic or Tibeto-Buddhistic gods are worshipped; and
there is a Tibetan Dungten, cubiform in shape, like a Hindu samadhi mandir or tomb and
surmounted by Siva's phallus, which is kept in a small low-roofed room having a Bengali
inscription on its door-top.
Inside the temple a number of Chinese and Tibetan deities
like Arya Tara, Mahakal Bhairav, Bajra Bhrukuti and Padmapani are installed. There
are now a number of samadhis of the deceased Mahants. |