temple does not appear to have been originally covered with plaster, but portions of it
are now covered with plaster, the remains, no doubt, of a coat put on at some subsequent
period. "The tower is, or was surmounted by a cylindric pinnacle like the temple
of Buddha Gaya. This sort of pinnacle is very remarkable, and its form resembling a lingam
may be more than a mere accident of construction. Constructively, it was evidently
impossible to form in brick the amalaka which invariably surmounts temples of stone,
itself again surmounted by either urns or tapering discs ending in a spire."
Major General Cunningham, however, was of the opinion that the date of this temple
should be ascribed to the Eighth Century A.D.
According to the commonly accepted tradition, however, Bhairavendra who lived in 1450
A.D built the temple. There is no accurate information as to when this Bhairavendra
actually lived. It has been pointed out that the style and the general appearance of the
temple have a great similarity to the temples at Deo and Umga in Gaya district. The two
temples at Deo and Umga are taken to have been built about the 8th century A.D.