Major General
Cunningham and H. B. Garrick who had visited the place in 1880-81 have observed: "I
found nothing that appeared to give any clue to the age of the temple save the great front
opening formed by overlapping bricks, like those of Buddha Gaya temple, an the later
temples of Deo-Barnarak and Mahadeopur. From its general resem- blance in other respects
to the Barnarak temples, I conclude that it may be of the same age, that is about the 8th
century A.D."
T. Bloch, Archaeological Surveyor, Bengal Circle, had visited the area in 1902 and,
agreeing with this view, had observed about Konch, Utren, Deo and Umga temples in Bihar as
" I have grouped these places together, because I consider it evident that the
temple at Konch is of the same period as the temple at Deo and Umga. The resem- blance in
style is remarkable. It originally had in front a flat-roofed pillared hall or mandapa
which still may be seen on an old photograph, taken by Mr. Peppe, but which now hat fallen
in, the stone pillars supporting it still lying in front of thetemple.