Dr. Bloch found
over 700 clay sealings and about 1100 seal impressions of approximately 120 varieties,
which were mostly of unbaked clay, and went back to the days of the Guptas in the Fourth
and Fifth Centuries A.D. The scripts on the seals are said to be of the Gupta type, but
the emblems on them have no Buddhist symbols. Most of the seals refer to officials,
guilds, corporations, temples and private individuals. The seals are preserved in the
Patna Museum.Among the types of pottery found in different strata, there are wares, jar,
bottle-necked jar, cooking pans, lamp, perforated lid with figure of peacock etc.
In the course of the last ten years a great attempt
has been made by the Jains and others, liberally helped by the State Government, to revive
the glory of Vaisali. Excavations are being carried out and many more relies have been
found. A fine -modern temple has been built, with an image of Mahavira Vardhamana
installed therein. |