Temples & Legends of Himachal Pradesh
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Temples  & Legends Of India


Kamru Nag

No one knows when and who built the temple for Kamru Nag deity. The location of the temple of Kamru Nag is at village Kamrah in Mandi with no habitation and in the midst of a thick forest.

According to tradition the offerings to the deity are thrown in a small lake nearby. A priest acts as a medium on behalf of the Nag Devta.

There is a peculiar recorded incident. Mr. C. C. Garbett was deputed to work in Mandi State as a Settlement Officer in 1911. He visited the Kamru Nag area and on learning that all the offerings including ornaments and coins are thrown in the lake by the side of the temple, he wanted to dredge the water, bring out the treasures offered and put them to some use to the villagers.

All the devotees opposed his proposal. But the officer wanted to carry out his dredging. He was held up at some place due to incessant rains and could not proceed. Mr. Garbett took some mild hill fruits and had a severe attack ofdysentery. He would not get cured and had to chuck his job and return to England.

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