The Gurdwara at Mandi preserves the following belongings of the Guru
I. Hammerless Muzzle Loading Gun, 7 1/2
feet long and weighing 22 seers.
2. Mattress made of pure silk.
3. Karpan (sword)
4. Rabab (Indian violin)
5. Charpoy (cot).
Prof. Manmohan in his book, "History
of Mandi State" mentions :
"It was this time (probably in 1701)
that, harassed by his enemies but quite undaunted and firmly believing in eventual
victory, Guru Gobind Singh, who had sought refuge with the Raja of Kulu with a view to
enlisting his sympathy and seeking his help in the noble task of emancipating the Hindus
from the Mohammadan yoke and saving the Hindu religion from extinction, came to stay in
Mandi. |