The Buddhist
temples housing icons of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and other Buddhist objects of
veneration, location of Buddhas without any temples, Buddhist monasteries and nunneries
housing monks, nuns and scriptures, Buddhist deities and enforcing Buddhist norms of
discipline, chortens, thankas and other religious flags are there to satisfy the
religiosity of the Buddhists. There is complete freedom to follow Buddhist auspicious days
with festivities K. L. Vaidya observes :
"The monasteries in the Himalayas are great repository of the lamaistic religion and
culture. Whether the monastery is flat-roofed as is found in the snow-bound regions, or
pagoda like tier-roofed as in the lower altitudes, it has some common characteristics.
Unlike most of the Hindu temples, the Buddhist gompas are seldom dedicated to one god or
goddess, rather they have the entire pantheon. Some of the gods find place on the altar in
the form of metal and stucco images and others on walls and hangings.
All the deities and divinities are placed in their own
order of importance. The walls and hangings carry pictures of the legends connected with
the various deities and divinities. In fact a good monastery carries picturisation of the
entire Buddhist cosmology and pantheon executed in fresh sober colors with a remarkable
artistic sense. Unlike the Hindu temples the monastery has an image chamber and the
prayer-hall combined into one. |