A special pony known as Narsingh's horse parades. As soon as Raghunathji's
deity is seated, the devotees of all the devtas start their bands.After puja sacrifice of
abuffalo, a goat, a cock, a fish and a crab is offered. Durga remains absolutely off in
the back ground as it is seen but the Dussehra means the demon killed and this is done by
Durga by images separately throughout.
The temple of Bisheshar-Mahadev at Kulu is the largest stone
monument there. According to Dr. Vogel in his Archaeo- logical Survey of India, (1909
-1910). "This temple has excellent workmanship of the large bas-relics and, in
fact, all the sculptural decoration on the Bajoura temple, points to an early date."
Though Vogel does not fix the probable period, later
archaeologists think the temple at Bajoura dates from the late eighth or early ninth
century. This temple is remarkable for its structure as well as the superb icons of
deities. Bajoura temple has a large shikhara (a curvi-linear stone - tower) at the top
with beautiful carvings above and decorated motifs below. There is no mandapa or the
pillar hall, which is a departure. |