Dr. Hiranand Shastri bad observed: -"
"Kuluntapitha lies to the north-east
of Jalandhara and south of Hemakuta mountains. It has 10 yojans (about 90 miles) in width.
The sacred place of Viyasa lies to its north and the Bandhana mountains to the south. The
river Bias flows to its west and Pasupati (Siva) lies to the east. The deity presiding
over the valley is Savari. Indrakila is the principal hill. The Sangama or confluence of
the Bias and Parvati rivers is the chief sacred place. It was in this land that Siva in
the guise of Savara fought with Arjuna."
No wonder where men dreaded to tread the
Gods frolicked. Kuluta was mentioned in the Mahabharat. As mentioned Hiuen Tsang had left
a description of Kuluta along with Lo-u-lo (Lahaul) and Sho-to-lo (Shatadru, i.e. basin of
Sutlej). |