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no Kshatriya enemies worth his while on the earth Kartavirya. Once turned upon the sea.
The latter most humbly told him that he himself was powerless before a warrior as powerful
as Kartavirya, but that he would soon find his equal in the youngest son of Jamadagni. The
sons of the Haihaya monarch were equally brave and equally reckless. While on one of their
maraudering missions they fell on the ashram of Jamadagni and stole his
Kamadhenu from him. Parashurama learnt of the atrocity and forthwith marched
to punish Kartavirya. The latter was defeated and had to restore the cow to Parashurama.
But the incident instead of closing the quarrel marked the beginning of a blood-feud that
was smouldering throughout the length and breadth of the land for hundreds of years. To
revenge the discomfiture of their father, Kartaviryas sons again attacked
Jamadagnis ashram and slew the helpless old man.
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