Prabhavakacharita is silent on this point. The life of 109 years given by the Prabandhas
to Vanaraja is legendary. The story that Vanaraja founded Anahilavada is disproved by
another legend given by Jinaprabha in the Vividha-tirthakalpa. According to it, the city
was built on the site of a town known as Lakharama, which is stated to have been founded
in A.D. 446.8 The earliest reference to the Chalukyas
having seized the royalty from the Chavadas is found in the Vadnagar prashasti of A.D.
1152, when legends of the foundation of Patan had been crystallised and bad be gun to be
accepted as facts, Vanaraja is, for the first time, referred to in A. D. 1116 in a
colophon of an Apabhramsha work named Neminathacharia by Haribhadrasuri, who completed his
work in the residence provided by Prithvipala, a minister of Kumarapala.9
8 Sanatkumara charitam; a section from Haribhadra's
Neminaha Chariu edited by Hermann Jacobi, 152.
9 El. IX 2. |