Bahukadhavala continued to rule Saurashtra. His son and successor, Balavarman, was the
feudatory of Mihira Bhoja as also of his son, Mahendrapala (A.D. 890-910), and is recorded
as achieving great victories. He defeated a certain Vishadha, slew Jajjapa and other kings
and "thus freed the earth from the Huna race." He also beat back the Rashtrakuta
forces on behalf of his overlord. Mihira Bhoja also
came to Saurashtra, possibly to quell a rebellion, and on his way defeated and killed
Jayashekhara of the Chapa (Chapotkata, Chavada) family ruling at Panchasara in modern
north Gujarat. This evidently gave rise to the Jain legend about Vana raja, Jayashekhara's
son. |