he used Sudarsana Chakra, which did away with theRakshasas. Since the Chakra became
impure, Vishnu asked the Chakra to bathe in the Hamsa Teertham and wash away all its sins.
After the bath the Chakra returned to Vishnu's right hand. The tank got the names of
Chakra Teertham, Dharma Teertham and Varuna Teertham also.
Agastya Teertham. Sage Agastya once got very angry and made the mighty ocean flow into his
right palm and drank it off in a
gulp. He installed a Teertham there and took his bath in it. Then, for the sake of his
forefathers, he offered Pindapradana and performed Tarpana. From that day onwards, it is
called Agastya Teertham. Hiranya Teertham. It is on the western side of Chakra Teertham.
On the banks of this, Hiranya performed tapas and received
powerful boons. |