Temples & Legends of Tamilnadu |
Temples & Legends Of India |
It is an emperical
truth that the names of God, read and uttered in whatever form and under what every
circumstaces, have the purificatory effect of cleansing and revitalising the dormant
spirit from its moribund condition by infusing divine energy into it. Honey is sweet
Sweetest of all honeys in the name of God. Taken in any form the effect remains the same.
It is a truth that the name of God and God Himself are ONE AND THE SAME. Hindu religion is truly preserved in its pristines glory in south India
which is a rare privilege to study.The legends connec ted with temples are more
interesting than stories . Even while reading this book out of curiosity or as a pastime,
if an impres- sion is created in any soul and an inclination to visit the southern
temples is imbibed, the writer will consider his labours amply rewarded as to serve
mankind is to serve God.
R.K.Das |
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