An attempt has been
made in this book to reproduce the legends connected with the temples of Tamilnad, with an
idea to bring home to all, the mythological, spiritual and philosophical aspects of the
anecdotes from early times to date. The
Sthalapuranams, legendary history of hte sacred places, are available for the sale in
almost all hte temples of the south, and they give the particular significance of each
temple with the chronology of the distinguished divine visitors whoperformed miracles and
conducted their penances in those temples.
The presence of such devotees doubly sanctified the shrines
concerned, and added to their sacred glory. Unless one is fully conversant with the Tamil
language and its Puranic legends, it is difficult for him to follow the exact history and
signifi- cance of a particular temple. Therefore, it was desirable to have a book in
english to help the general public who do not know Tamil.
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