Asoka Priyadarsin
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Thus, he grew up a handsome young man. with robust health and superb mental agility. He possessed domineering stature and Herculean strength. His winsome, dignified personality brought many admirers for him, besides friends. As a natural consequence, his tact and craft, both in thought and action, won early recognition and wide popularity. He discharged whatever entrusted to him, either for jest or test, ably and efficiently, much to the admiration of his superiors and sub ordinates. He proved superior to his elder brother Sumana, in administrative affairs and intellectual pre-occupations. Poor Sumana was elder to him by birth, but evidently not in mental growth. So, Asoka was reserved for special trying occasions and distinct honours.

Here is Asoka growing with a difference. He carried an old head on young shoulders with ease and grace. His office of Vice-royalty over the Western India, with head It was a subject quarters at Ujjain, was a great success. of everyday - talk then. Indeed, it was a milestone in his colourful career and glorious life. It was there that his innate sterling qualities came to lime - light. Both the ruler and the ruled recognised his merit and rewarded it fittingly.

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About Asoka As A Youth
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