the generally looked down upon chandalas or asprisyas, the most contemptuously
designated are enjoying the hereditary privilege of going into
the garbhagriha. It bent the heads of the high born brahmins. So, haste has its
bright side features too. But once in a blue moon, they emerge. This phenomenon
is not a concocted event to boost any particular individual, or dethrone any,
since historical evidence preserved in archives testifies it, says the priest
while narrating the glory of the temple, particularly during the offering of
Puja to the Kappe Chennigaraya swamy installed in a big and equally marvelous
temple lying next to the main temple. And that was the same icon Dankanachary
this temple is the first and final word in the sculptured architectural monument
of the subcontinent and the aforesaid circumstances are awe inspiring, a perusal
is deemed a necessity. So have a peep at it through the account given.