Mother gives darsan in standing posture holding Trisul in the right hand and
severed head it the other. The walls of the sanctum are carved with the figures
of rats. Shock overwhelms the visitors at the sight of rats moving freely. The
temple , is a haven for rats and it is said that they cane the souls of the
future Charans the community of bards of this region and hence considered very
has a long legend. According to it, Karni Devi is an incarnation of goddess
Durga She was born in a family of Charan-a community of bards regarded as
mystics due to possessing certain uncommon traits and rare powers right from
birth. She performed numerous miracles. Once it appeared, a couple approached
her to revive their dead son. Moved by their pathetic wails she met Yama, the
God of death in a trance and implored him to return the boy's soul. As the soul
had been reincarnated already. Yama could not oblige. She then ordained that the
souls of the Charan clan would reside in rats until reincarnation in the Charan
clan alone takes place. It is running its course.