we visit temples, we carry certainly flowers, coconuts, thambulam, agarbathi,
camphor, Vibhuthi. Kumkum and turmeric powder Rarely only one item is preferred
for offering. In some temples particularly. Vaishnavate, tulasimala is deemed a
very good offering and it pleases the Lord and the priest, the earthly middle
man. Lotus flower bouquet offering at Kolhapur Mahalakshmi temple is received
with immense pleasure. Vibhuti in Salivate temple is a common place object, and
particularly the Muruga bhaktas carry with them packets of vibhuti for offering.
offering of turmeric powder alone called haldi in Khandoba temple at Jejuri is a
very rare tradition. Almost all visitors carry small packets of haldi and offer
it to every deity from mahadwara to the archamurti Lord Khandoba. The riches and
mandaps built for several parivaradevaths are receiving haldi offering with utmost
satisfaction. As every one takes and offers, the whole ground appears like a
yellow sheet and devout bhaktas feel it inconvenient to tread on the floor. But
we cannot help. The temple tradition advocates it and the bhakta is held in
esteem for honoring it. Old tradition of burning of camphor here is secondary or
pushpamala samarpan is made by one in ten. Regular worship goes on round the
year with haldi offering mainly.