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Temples Of India


The temples have mahadwaras ranging from one to four or more. The Tirumala temple has only one and, whereas Chidambaram temple has four on four sides to mention a few. There is neither uniformity, nor is it an obligation in this respect. The number depends upon the patron's taste and size of purse. None lays his finger on this, nor does deserve criticism. But the question comes when the originally constructed number is reduced, or doors shut for ever. The closing of mahadwars either on temporary or permanent basis have strong foundations and auspicious reasons. It is only for the welfare of devotees, the closure is made, says the priest, if you question, when the eastern gate of Mother Kanyakumari's temple is closed.  Further he adds that the sanctity of the archamurti and safety of temple property are safeguarded by this act. Though the intention of the builders is curtailed, his account is testified by the temple records and also government notifications preserved in the archives. So mute approval silences the inquisitiveness and pushes the questioner into garbhagriha for the worship of the Virgin Goddess Parvathi, popular as Kanyakumari being adored in a splendid temple lying on the southern most tip, the lands end of the then Bharatkhand. The location of the abode of Mother Parvathi and her reason for settling down here are awesome and fantastic meritting reverent listening. So read.


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About Kanyakumari Temple-Closing Of The Eastern Gate 
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