Thirst is a biological demand, and for proper functioning of body appeasing it
is a MUST. With the intake of liquid, not only thirst is slaked, but the body
continues its movement. Water content alone causes mobility, since all the vital
powers are in liquid state and their incessant flow makes the movement of organs
possible. It is proved in labs that water is the main component of the chemical
composition of the body. Further, the psychoanalysts recorded that a person
weighing ten stones contains in himself ten gallons of water. If on any account
its ratio is reduced, he falls prey to diseases. Total dehydration, needless to
say leads to death.
intake of water in a wide variety of forms and colours ensures proper growth and
preserves health. Haven't we heard and seen that even the satyagrahis, who
observe fast - niraharadiksha are given water. It applies to all living organism.
Birds and beasts are not excluded. why, even the vegetarian too occupies first
rank in this respect. Fatigued bodies first opt for drink, and if limited
quantity is not available, sprinkling a few drops on the body rejuvenates them.
This accounts for abhisheka - bathing the archamurtis in the temples and people's
craze for offering it. The gratified deities, in consequence shower boons out of
proportion. A few among them, being abhishekapriyas desire and demand numerous
varieties of abhishekas, like pannerabhishek, Jalabhishek, ikshurasabhishek,
panchamritabhishek, grithabheshek etc. The list is incomplete.