kootu-enacting certain episodes by the expert artists in separate halls in the
temple premises itself is indeed an odd seva,or sampradaya, or called vazhivadu
in Kerala. It is a rarity and no where found in India. The temple prescribed
specific fee for enactment, when devotees approach for redemption of this queer
vow. Though there seems some novelty in this, it is going on in Tripayar temple
for ages now. The redemption is setting the afflicted free from worries besides
showering bliss. The adored too is not only accepting this, but is seeing
unseen-watching invisibily, and demanding when it is disregarded or deferred.
Does this not prove that traditions established have divine sanction and the
builders of such traditions are to be applauded for their insight and
Srirama temple at Tripnayar has included in the list of sevas the kootu
vazhivadu-offering pantomime to the deity. and the intending sevarthi's are
fulfilling their rows on payment of the prescribed fee. If on certain situations, when it is stopped abruptly, the invisible spectator chastising the
defaulters see the vow redeemed timely and duly. Needless to prolong that the
sevarathi starts reaping bliss thence onwards.