The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India


While getting exhilirated by an inexplicable pleasant thrill, he hear  an aerial voice wishpering, "Do you think dear, that heaven is treasuring up such splundours as your home land is? No, certainly not, your home land is superior". At this his heart danced and lungs let out a sweet rapturous song. He proclaimed anon?". Now my ambition of road laying to paradise is over. I found it". Fantastic. That new-found-land trekked by that high souled man now goes by the name of Karnataka, occupying a much coveted place among the states of Indian Union, for raising a rich rare crop of sublime culture along with her favorite sericulture, horticulture, agriculture etc. to the eternal jealousy of the neighboring states. For, it is and has been a synonymn for a haven of divine concord and celestial harmony. What is more, comparison with sister states takes it higher and perches it at the highest pedestal. What a fortune! How grand!! Strangely enough, this segment of land forming one sixteenth of the total mass of India carved out for itself a niche in the temple of Bharatamata and developed soon into a progressive state - a veritable paradise brimming over with priceless wealth - its people - the replicas of commendable amity flexible amiability, exemplary integrity inimitable docitity crowned with divinising humanism that conferred on them the most coveted title 'Gentlemen' of the land by the discerning dignitaries.


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