plenty, people worked for work sake, keeping the motto in view
'One for all and all for one' sans time sense; lo! there were no clocks
Nor were overseers; courts existed not, nor police to form even a queue
The only law that existed was, there was no law binding to power Blocks
then perfect equality crossing the barriers of caste and creed
And full liberty permeated life; shackles gathered dust as slaves freed
Free sharing of the labours of joy led to creation of the common wealth
People hence enjoyed an incomparably enviable state of all sound health.
being buried, people knew not the horrors of violence and war
As surplus's inexhaustible, necessity never arose for ware houses
People lived as one family, eating whatever quantity they liked sans bar
The sense of oneness drove out the dangers of insecurity out of houses.
to stand comparison, once great Utopia decided to mimic it in toto
Erelong, sprouted there a breed of Lotos-eaters out of the eternal plenty
Chanting-''Life's for enjoyment; make hay while sun shines- a juicy motto
Descended anon irreverence and indolence- off-springs of stark inebriety.