as identified ingeneously is the root cause of suffering in the world. It is a
fact well known, but where from that much accursed one sprouts is little known
to many. What is its background, and how it is ruining even the most celebrated
and what is its philosophy, afford a delightful reading; Deep probe divulges
that its past is loathsome and evokes instant contempt. It wrought havoc down
on earth, and high above in the heaven equally. And to ! its obnoxious nature
is waxing with the passage of time, despite its disastrous powers are well
known. Moreover, it publishes its black obverse unashamedly. Who then is to be
blamed, and how could one become danger-proof? Read now for full
the beginning, seated on the highest, the Lord looked stern at Order
Anon standing atop the precipice of Chaos the Order surveyed and stared
In speed meteoric, thunderous explosive sounds of the matter of Disorder
Receded, ushering in an era of serene tranquility with fair Jusice paired.
Dharma Devatha moved with majesty; people disciplined adhered
To every injunction imbibing its spirit practised for public welfare
There prevailed then santhi and sauhardha born of maha Samtripti unheard
Banishing once for all swartha pisachi and its company with due fanfare.