Hindu Ethos In Capsules Volume- I
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Hindu Ethos In Capsules - Vol I

Dharmaja's Anritha

Living as I did for about three decades and a half amidst the blooming buds and up-coming emotional floods...


Speaking truth is a great feat, although easy to cultivate, hard to display; a virtue possible to inherit, but extremely impossible to implement.


Know Thy Worth

Why Adore The Woman?

KNOW THY SELF is the refrain found in almost all the scriptures of every culture.


Adoration signifies the recognition of the superiority of the object adored, and the conscious acceptance of the smallness of the adorer.


Guru Devo Bhava

Inalienable Rights

Out of compassion infinite, the Almighty Providence created bright and beautiful things, indispensable for one daily existence, but kept concealed their potentialities.


Rights admit classifications of different kinds, based on the nature of possession, and the ways they are put to.


The Impotent Potentate

Chastity And Its Power 

There is nothing more nauseating than seeing the arrogance paraded by who but the empty.


Chastity to woman is what fragrance to the flower, or twinkle to the star.


Better Break Than Bend

Light And Shade

Bending low to reach the beaten, with a view to wiping the creaming tears is neither blame-worthy, nor against the scriptural canons.


The road of life is any thing but even; it is full of ruts and pits, ups and downs, besides being slushy, thorny, craggy, and sandy.


The Karyakarana Samabhandha

Love whom And why ? 

Ignorance clouds man's reason and lands him in blunder land, but there are ways to come out of it unscathed.


There is no word more misused as love in the modern world.


Manasapuja Vs Bahyapuja

The Glories Of The Gupta Age

Prayers are offered to inanimate or animate visible or invisible, mighty or humble, but for one purpose-self advancement.


In the annals of every nation, there are certain periods marked out for their unforgettable achievements in every sphere of action.


Mine and Thine - The Twin Demons

Types of Teachers

Desire, as identified ingeneously is the root cause of suffering in the world. It is a fact well known, but where from that much accursed one sprouts is little known to many.


Teaching, as acclaimed is the noblest of all professions. It has a glittering story with divinities adorning its rolls.


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