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Temples Of India


Adoration signifies the recognition of the superiority of the object adored, and the conscious acceptance of the smallness of the adorer. It registers the refinement on the part of the adorer. In the case of offering obeisance to woman, what counts most-bewitching beauty of the physical frame, or intrinsic loveliness of character? Of course, each has its speciality, novelty, utility etc. Alas they are not the enduring and exemplary traits. The fact that she is the replica of MOTHER, the personification of Energy--the cause of motion and living is sadly derecognised, or excluded in this picture. Even with them the list does not stop there; it goes up spirilling. See where it ends and how?

Why adore the woman? 
Is it for her physical charms 
That could entice any mnn? 
Or looks more powerful than arms?

Doubtless she lures with her exterior 
Any God-my- goal man of highest fame 
Despite her all ordinary interior 
That hurls snares defying any name.

She's the replica of the divine MOTHER 
The source of every power and action 
That kindles life even in the divine FATHER 
Whose creation pulsates with Her sanction.

Aerily not for that matter
Mankind ever bends in prayer
And shuns profanity even in chatter
That takes it to a plane higher

Her role as MOTHER, hear me chick 
Draws on kneels all in veneration 
From dim past to the present tick 
In token of our debt and adoration.

The power of her procreating might 
Lifts her higher than the most Highest 
Her patience in nursing cum feeding might 
Rounds of her womanhood to the point holiest.


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