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Temples Of India


Out of compassion infinite, the Almighty Providence created bright and beautiful things, indispensable for one daily existence, but kept concealed their potentialities. It is, the Guru, who lights up our dormant lark to realise their colour, taste, smell, utilities, potencies etc. Though of an omniscient, he holds  the key to the mysteries of the objects around us. He opens our eyes, to the world within and without. So he is to be revered, nay feared at all times. But for him, mankind would have been erring at every stage; and couldn't have achieved bliss, though trial and error process might have taught him some semblance of knowledge. That the reason why mankind elevates the preceptor to the level of God and adores him. Alas the modern man pays him lip service only, yet no where in the world Guru's word is given so much weight and validity as in Sikhism  and its potency is knitting millions of millions of a vigorous community scattered all over the globe into a single entity. Ah! what an achievement; He is capable of much more of such see.  

Between God and the preceptor 
My obeisance goes first to the preceptor 
No matter the former appears in person 
And brands me ingrase for my action.

It's he, who taught me all about HIM 
And filled my empty vessel to its brim 
With the knowledge of His Omnipresence 
Omnipotence and above all His Omniscience.

He taught me amongst many things, humanism 
That can transcend the evils of every 'ISM' 
Lighting up the path, showed my destination, 
That closes the chapter of reincarnation.

Instilling the virtues of discrimination 
Along with the merits of devotion and dedication 
And made me a proud citizen of the world 
To strive for the welfare of the whole world.

He is the prop of society and of nation 
Without him nothing can be set in motion 
All peace and progress worthy of mention 
Springs up out at his benign direction.

He evolves divinity in every community
Stands as beacon light with all dignity
Extends love regardless of nationality
Hence my choice for him arid his cordiality.


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