is no word more misused as love in the modern world. It is divested of its
divine content and desecrated by equating with another obnoxious emotion-lust,
meriting wholesome disposal at its very mention. Heart is the seat of this
adorable emotion and occupies the highest seat among its venerable sisters
like, pity, benevolence etc. and sizzling brothers like anger, greed etc. It
emerges with the dawn of youth in all the sentient beings, and growing with
them finally merges with the Omni-compassionate God. It is immutable,
invincible and imperishable, if kept in its prestine state-stainless, adorable
etc. It ushers in peace, concord and so on, and ends in emancipation, whereas
lust claiming what it should not goes to abominable torture cell, since it
lives for momentary gratification of senses only. Now listen to its glory after
the hullabaloo arising out of inadequate understanding of its ramifications.....