are offered to inanimate or animate visible or invisible, mighty or humble, but
for one purpose-self advancement. They are a MUST and mirrors one's awareness
of unseen superior powers. As most of them are propelled into action for
redemption of debt, or grant of grace for further progress, they are not highly
laudable. If the assigned work is done with all the sincerity due, unmindful of
its fruit it is the supreme type of prayer; for, WORK IS WORSHIP.
can be classified in to two categories-bahyapuja and manasapuja, on the basis
of the accessories used. The gulf between the two is as wide as the mouth of
hell. Of the two, which is preferable and why? Hear from the mouth of Jagadguru
Sri Krishna Bhagavan, whose word is authentic and final on all natters.
mental worship.
2. offering prayer with rituals.