Concepts Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Seeing him growing harried, crafty Krishna learnt with in ward eye 
The real cause of malaise and its threatening impact, if allowed 
He devised proper setting to show him the truth of pooja eye to eye 
And took out one even, when the charms of Nature were getting mellowed.

As they were going with chitchat, the twilight lost luster instantly
They looked up to detect the cause and found angels hurrying down
With baskets of flowers to 7Manasa sarovar for immersing them instantly
Their haste being odd and number infinite, their shadows cast gloom down

Up rose the duo to find out, who, why where and all about them? 
But none answered, nor cared to spare a minute to reply any query 
Their speed in emptying baskets in the river standing on its brim 
Heightened the curiosity of the two, but it brought them worry.

Their persistence at long last won an old man, who then narrated
"We are 8gandharvas engaged in immersing the flowers offered
One by name Bhima, whose 9 'trikala pooja' piles flowers unabated
Though hundreds are working, they remain unclear, so we're worried",

7. the name of lake in heaven, 
8. one of the celestial division serving the higher class in heaven 
9. praying trice a day--morn, noon and even, 


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