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Temples Of India


Chastity to woman is what fragrance to the flower, or twinkle to the star. It is not a boon got by penance, or privilege conferred by any authority, but it is an inborn, in-dwelling, inextinguishable spark that illumines her life and the world in turn. It is nothing but fidelity to her man whether the is good or bad, healthy or sickly, rich or poor, living or dead that gives strength to her character, dignity to personality, loveliness to exterior; and wrings honour from society and grace from God. The chaste are given the most coveted place, and there are many instances of their controlling the movements of the heavenly bodies together with making the Trio toddlers by apurva sadhwimanis. Chastity was, is and will never be vanquished, nor would it meet its opponent mid-way for a compromise. It dissolves arrogance and pulverizes stubboruness to the extent of kissing its feet in token of servitude. Here is an anecdote visualising its infinite might ......


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