Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Adore and be adored for ever, dear 2Prahlad by one and all
As I humbled 3Devendra and bushed every earthly commotion
Nothing lies beyond or above me; gods are at my beck and call
I'm the source of power, cause of creation and of every action

I cut the TRIO to the size puppets to dance to my tunes best 
And made chaos and cosmos turn somersault at my wink, or behest 
Neither man nor any can kill me in any place; day or night 
Ahambrahmasmi, trust this credo that reveals my glory and might.

Father dear, answer, who came first, thou or thy parants fine? 
Aren't the parents holier for begetting you, the Omniscient? 
Don't they merit homage first? Can we dishonour the custom fine? 
Isn't bowing to God for making such parents just and expediant?

Stop that bunk, and do as I bid for your good and safety, 
I hate my power questioned, or bypassed by means crafty.

No father mine, homage to you's neither withheld, nor denied 
Pitrubhakti flows in my veins, nor my action ever that belied.

Then adore me with faith implicit and submission mute 
To prove thy filial duty that sets at nought the dispute.

2. son of HiranyaKasipu. 
3. king of gods.

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