Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Among the Alwars, a few are deservedly famous as wandering minstrels. They deem igniting the dormant spiritual instincts as the divine calling, and by roaming about like nomads, they spill bhakti sudha at every one of their steps. They are believed to be the potent aspects-amsas of Lord Mahavishnu descended to propagate Bhakti cult through community singing, and offering several kinds of prayer services to the Almighty God. They are noted for their mellifluous tones, where from sprout sweep cadences that flow down in silver cascades to dip devotees in God's nectarine bliss. Wherever they stay, they convert it in to God's abode and they they go on singing. Timeless, restless and endless. Hark! all but about God and his sports. Moreover, they are humanitarians first and last, they sacrifice their own to make the miserable less miserable, than making the happy, happier. See how they put in practice their ideals, and decide who among the four deserves first prize.


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