Vedas are the repositories of knowledge. This is truth indisputable and
experience infallible; the wise proclaimed; commentators endorsed; and
commoners adored it. Their range is encyclopedic and embody all that is
indispensable for living, seeking, aspiring etc. They are believed to be the
breath of the Primordial Being; and so held sacred, from time immemorial.
Maharshis who heard them first passed on mouth to mouth from progeny to
due to poor comprehension and biased interpretation, they have fallen into
disrepute. In the name of rationalism, the impatient and ill - digested have
assigned an inferior status and made them as objects of derision, but the
orthodox and purtitans, who live in them, rather by them cling to them even if
hurled from a precipice, and lo! danglining in mid-air they ejaculate, "we
are safe and they are true." If you doubt; read and realise ......