is a gift of God. It's sweet, pleasant and precious, although short in
duration. Despite the ever mounting tension gnawing at its vitals for sniffing
it out; it is live worthy. Hence the unceasing trials in and out of labs to
safe guard it.
life-homicide or any side is a culpable crime punishable by law Scriptures of
all ages affirm its sacredness and advocate non-injury to both sentient and
insentient beings. Right from the dawn of intelligence, Maha purushas of all
the nationalities have been preaching its divinity through thousands of
parables and anecodotes Man has no right to take life, though he may not
prolong it for a second with all his inventions even to a microbe Of the
greatest adorning the galaxy of ahimsavadis, Bhagawan Buddha, shines brightest,
making others of his creed only fire flies before him. His practice preceded
his precepts, when he was but a lad. See how he argues with his own cousin
Devadatta about the sanctity of life...