Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


The swan is mine and I hit it 
None can lay any claim for it 
Down it came with my sure aim 
So I claim ownership and fame.

You brought it down, but I picked it up 
Sure I don't allow it for anyone's sup 
Your cruel arrow drew out its life 
But I gave when the same was in strife.

Prince as I am, can put any for my target
A roal prerogative, I think you forget
Bird and beasts, why all under the Sun
Exist only to give me both profit and fun

There you err Devadatta, that the very royalty 
Engoins a duty to extend your warm cordiality 
None in the world has a right to take life 
But it is everyone's bounden duty to give life.

Birds and beasts exist not for our pleasure
Like us they are assets in God's treasure
Violence and power only testify to our might 
But certainly are inferior to the enternal might

So dear, go home with this wisdom 
If you try to prize this above Kingdom 
Milk and honey will flow in the world 
Making heaven jealous of your brand.


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