Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


The miracle opened the eyes of the atheist to light
Said humbly, "They are potent and you are right,
But, how do you account for the scratch on the knee
Though convinced I want to know the reason, tell me"

" I' ll, " from an old man came a voice fast
Who was seeing unseen all from first to last
"Though he had faith in the Vedas he had read
He wavered and used the word, `If' out of dread,

That little doubt caused him that minor harm
Yet, his victory has set a matchless norm
Anyway, your argument brought to lime light
Potency of the Vedas and unearthed a diamond bright"

Delivering his verdict, the gray-haired pundit 
Came down to shake hands with each mini-pundit 
The dispute thus ended with an illumination 
Proving the sanctity of the Vedas as its culmination.


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